
Try not to play with this holy e-confession equipment, because God will punish you.


Prompted by Vatican's idea to use Internet for spreading God's word, we have decided to provide confession service through Internet to sinners, who are visiting our website. We hope that we will be able to save a few souls from Satan's snares. Anonymity is guaranteed. Connection with priest encoded by the algorithm of Holy Spirit. We will help you to perform this sacred duty of every person and you will be able to redeem your sins and repent of the evils committed without leaving comfort of your home. Your confession will be sent directly to our computerized confessional. The program will calculate your sins, evaluate their heaviness and will assign punishment. All electronic devices have been sanctified and the program is developed in strict accordance with all religious canons and rules. Since everything will be calculate by machinery and artificial intelligence, we can guarantee the most objective and unbiased evaluation.

1. Specify how many times you sinned of particular sin.
2. Choose whether you are a priest, Christian or unbeliever.
3. Press the button at the bottom and you will receive punishments.

God ensures greater grace and forgiveness for priests, because their life is hard and committed. As a result, intercourse with children, even sexually, for priests is not a big deal or significant sin. It is more like holy sex education for children. But for godless people similar sin burden is high. God will not forgive them for the slightest dirt. For infidelities and for not kissing hands of priests God will tear out eyes, will rip off legs and hands, will burn in eternal fire of Hell, you infidel muck! So accept the Lord and He will teach you, scum, some heavenly love and true spiritual values​​, not your atheistic descent and moral degradation, in which you are without God, our Father.

If you have divine feeling that our system is missing some sins or punishments, you can leave your suggestions in our Forums or Comments section.

Ps 32:10 Nedorėlis turės daug kentėti, o tą, kuris pasitiki Viešpačiu, lydės ištikima meilė.
Ps 32:10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy shall compass him about.
Ps 119:150 Artinasi tie, kurie į mane kėsinasi, nutolę nuo tavo Įstatymo.
Ps 119:150 They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from thy law.
Ez 20:29 Aš klausiau jų: ‘Kas tas aukštumų alkas, į kurį skubate? ’ Taip iki šiol jis ir tebėra pramintas Bama ­ aukštumų alkas. ’
Eze 20:29 Then I said unto them, What is the high place whereunto ye go? And the name whereof is called Bamah unto this day.
1Kor 1:9 Ištikimas yra Dievas, jus pašaukęs į savo Sūnaus, mūsų Viešpaties Jėzaus Kristaus bendrystę.
1C 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Koh 2:2 Apie juoką sakiau: "Kvailystė! " Apie džiaugsmą: "Kas iš to? "
Ec 2:2 I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it?
Iz 62:10 Eikite pro vartus, eikite, parenkite kelią tautai! Tieskite, tieskite vieškelį, nurinkite nuo jo akmenis! Iškelkite ženklą tautoms!
Isa 62:10 Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.
1Krn 4:41 Išvardytieji [Simeono giminės] žmonės atsikėlė čia Judo karaliaus Ezekijo dienomis, užpuolė palapines ir ten užtiktus meunus ir, atsikratę jų iki šios dienos, apsigyveno jų vietoje, nes ten kaimenėms buvo ganyklų.
1Ch 4:41 And these written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms: because there was pasture there for their flocks.
Pr 37:34 Tuomet Jokūbas persiplėšė drabužius, apsijuosė ašutine ir raudojo sūnaus daug dienų.
Ge 37:34 And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.
Pat 3:8 Tai teiks sveikatą tavo kūnuiir atgaivą tavo kaulams.
Pr 3:8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Kun 23:43 idant jūsų kartos patirtų, kad aš, vesdamas izraelitus iš Egipto žemės, apgyvendinau juos palapinėse. Aš esu Viešpats, jūsų Dievas. ’"
Le 23:43 That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.
Rom 10:5 Mozė rašo apie teisumą iš įstatymo: Jį vykdydamas žmogus juo gyvens.
Ro 10:5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.
2Krn 1:3 Tada Saliamonas, lydimas visos su juo buvusios bendrijos, nuėjo į Gibeono aukštumų alką, nes ten buvo Dievo Susitikimo Palapinė, kurią Viešpaties tarnas Mozė buvo padaręs dykumoje.
2Ch 1:3 So Solomon, and all the congregation with him, went to the high place that was at Gibeon; for there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, which Moses the servant of the LORD had made in the wilderness.
Iš 20:25 O jei statysi man aukurą iš akmens, nedaryk jo iš tašytų akmenų, nes, panaudodamas kaltą, juos suterši.
Ex 20:25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.
Iz 7:19 Jos atskris ir nutūpstarpeklių šlaituose, uolų plyšiuose, ant kiekvieno erškėčių krūmoir visose ganyklose.
Isa 7:19 And they shall come, and shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon all bushes.
Įst 2:8 Tad ėjome tolyn nuo savo giminių, Ezavo palikuonių, gyvenančių Seyre, sukome nuo kelio per Arabą, Elatą ir Ecjon Geberą. Mums pasukus eiti Moabo dykumos kryptimi,
De 2:8 And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from Eziongaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab.
Iz 25:6 Galybių Viešpats surengs šiame kalne visoms tautomspuotą su skaniausiais valgiais, puotą su parinktais vynais, pokylį su sultingais, gardžiais patiekalaisir grynais, rinktiniais vynais.
Isa 25:6 And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.
1Sam 2:5 Kadaise bu-vę sotūs turi tarnauti už duoną, o alkanieji daugiau nebealksta. Bevaisė pagimdė septynetą, o daugelio vaikų motina yra vieniša.
1Sa 2:5 They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble.
Įst 4:8 Ir kokia kita didelė tauta turi įstatus ir įsakus, tokius teisius, kaip šis Įstatymas, kurį jums duodu?
De 4:8 And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
Joz 17:10 Vadinasi, žemė pietų pusėje priklausė Efraimui, šiaurės pusėje ­ Manasui, o Jūra buvo riba. Ši žemė šiaurėje ribojasi su Ašeru, o rytuose su Isacharu.
Jos 17:10 Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea is his border; and they met together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east.
Ezd 7:17 Už tuos pinigus turi nedelsdamas nupirkti jaučių, avinų bei ėriukų, javų atnašų bei liejamųjų atnašų ir paaukoti juos ant savo Dievo Namų aukuro Jeruzalėje.
Ezr 7:17 That thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat offerings and their drink offerings, and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.

Sanctus Corpus Deus